Feature specialist


A homeopath is a specialist who treats patients with the help of alternative medicine. For work, he uses not only plant materials, often people with a medical education become homeopaths, which significantly improves the quality of treatment.

Short description

Homeopathy is an ancient form of alternative medicine that is in crisis today. Professional physicians explain the positive effect of homeopathic medicines by the placebo effect, generally having a negative attitude towards this type of therapy.

But experienced homeopaths who have received a good education can really cope with the treatment of a number of diseases:

  • skin diseases;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • improvement of the condition of patients suffering from gastritis, Graves’ disease, diabetes;
    newborn jaundice;
  • pressure problems, headache;
  • nervous disorders;
  • allergic reactions and many others.

If a homeopath, working with a patient, sees that alternative medicine will not help a person, then he is obliged to recommend a narrow-profile doctor to him.

This behavior distinguishes professionals from scammers, an experienced homeopath will never promise a patient a cure for oncology, multiple sclerosis, or praise the non-surgical treatment of appendicitis.

The specialist in question must be a good diagnostician, it is important to be able to work with the results of the examination, to collect an anamnesis.

Features of the profession

The main motto of homeopathy is treatment with natural remedies, but this type of alternative medicine should not be confused with herbal medicine.

In the latter case, the treatment is carried out exclusively with the help of herbal remedies, homeopaths have a wider range of components:

  • cell salts and biocatalysts;
  • different types of poisons (bee, snake and others);
  • nosodes, animal components;
  • iodine and others.

Being engaged in treatment, the homeopath uses substances of mineral-organic, vegetable and animal origin. The composition of homeopathic preparations may include components used in traditional medicine – these are the above poisons, beekeeping products and others. The work and duties of a homeopath are the same as those of an ordinary doctor:

  • taking anamnesis, getting to know the patient;
  • use of modern diagnostic methods for diagnosis;
  • prescribing treatment if the patient’s disease can be overcome with the help of homeopathic medicines;
  • management of the patient until full recovery, monitoring if a person suffers from a chronic disease;
  • selection of suitable drugs;
  • maintaining medical records, cooperation with other specialists.

The only difference is that a homeopath works with 1 patient for 1.5-2 hours, paying attention not only to the test results, but also to the psychological state, lifestyle, so specialists most often work in private rather than public hospitals.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • A large number of patients turn to homeopaths, so specialists are always provided with work.
  • The work of homeopaths is paid higher than the work of doctors who receive patients in polyclinics.
  • Opportunity to find a job in well-known centers specializing in alternative medicine.
  • The ability to acquire regular patients, which will provide a stable income.
  • Constant self-improvement.
  • Work in private clinics, which guarantees high wages, social protection.
  • A homeopath can open his own center or office, engage in scientific work, which will increase his status in society.


  • Long-term training, because a homeopath begins his journey with a medical school.
  • A specific attitude towards homeopathy, both on the part of patients and doctors.
  • Many patients trust conventional medicine more.

Important Personal Qualities

A person who chooses to work with homeopathy must be a good doctor, diagnostician and psychologist, because this work involves a deep study of the character, habits, and mood of the patient. The specialist must be able to talk a person, inspire confidence in him, having the following character traits and features:

  • politeness,
  • grammatically correct speech,
  • pedantry,
  • honesty,
  • a responsibility,
  • initiative.

An experienced homeopath must be a very balanced and calm person, because he has to deal with different patients. There are no contraindications to work in this area.

Place of work

Homeopathic doctors work in traditional and alternative medicine clinics. Often they combine homeopathic treatment with the application of classical medical methods, which complements and makes the main therapy more effective.

Professional knowledge

  • Modern diagnostic methods: tests, ultrasound, MRI, biopsy and others.
  • Clinical homeopathy.
  • Providing emergency medical care.
  • Anatomy and physiology of man.
  • Pharmacology, homeopathic medicines.
  • Fundamentals of herbal medicine, endoecology, psychology, dietology, iridology, reflexology.
  • Electropuncture diagnostics.

The level of professional knowledge and activities depend on the main specialization of the doctor. After all, an otolaryngologist uses homeopathic medicines to treat the nasopharynx, an endocrinologist with the help of natural remedies relieves symptoms in patients suffering from diabetes or diffuse toxic goiter, etc. Experienced homeopathic diagnosticians can treat various types of diseases.